

Themis is the first of Strategy Distribution Engine systems in the company, and have serviced 200 million user. Themis, a smart strategy engine based on traffic flow and predicate conditions’ strategy, which provides handy service for vendors and consumers.


Prometheus Ghost theme is clean and very modern. The design is highly focused on typography. But there is also the perfect combination of image and white space in this design. This theme is perfect for a personal and professional blog.


Taco is one of the fast golang-based message push systems in the company, and have serviced 300 million user. Taco provides multiple push methods such as pushing a single user, pushing a group of users in batches, and accurately pushing specific user tags. The low-latency feature greatly empowers the logistics rider’s message reach scenario.


Stormeye is the company’s internal project and it is the basic weather service.


Clairvoyant is the company’s internal project and it is the basic service for collecting and analyzing rider trace.


Use Vue.js to develop a cross-platform full stack application of Objc china.


This repo concludes my technology blog、speech slides、electronic publication.


iOS-Weekly are not just porters of information, but also evangelists of value. The content is not limited to specific content related to iOS technology. It also includes information that we believe is valuable to iOS developers, such as software engineering and programmer topics.